Friday, September 14, 2012

Winter Road Trip to Jervis Bay

Yes it is winter in Sydney....what does that mean- its similar to spring weather in NYC.   The average day is 18 degrees Celsius - and gets as cold as 10 but some days it can be 22!  Speaking in celsius still confuses us- that goodness we have iphones to translate to Fahrenheit !

Here are a few snap shots of a 3 hour drive south of Sydney.  It was beautiful!

The Drive started thru a curvy national park road. (Notice photo taken from left side of the road.)  What an adjustment! 

 Then continued on to the coastal drive ( Alex all eyes on the road) 

 Although spring weather is great, I somehow was cold! 

 We debated hang gliding - but decided for a warmer day! 

 And agreed to stop for lunch instead!

 Then onto the world famous "blow hole" discovered by Captain Cook
 Yep there it is, a rock formation which replicates the "whales" blow hole when waves hit the rocks
 Rainbow and all- it was cool!

 As we continue to travel around australia, every beach we visit, is bound to have a "pool"

 And the water is so unbelievably clear

 Im still stunned - the water looks like glass and the is no pollution anywhere!
 Back in the car and onto our next stop- this white beach in Huskinson- but the locals call it "Husky"

Then onto-  sampling the local bakery....
 What a stomach ache! 

Next stop-  the famous "jervis" bay 
 Yep that is a flannel shirt with flip flops

What a great beach! 
"It feels like my 30th birthday trip again!  " 

Now back in the car ... we only have a few hours left!

 Wild Roos...
And end the trip with some fresh prawns!  Yum 

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